Thursday, May 28, 2009

A New Beginning

I've been thinking the blog and it's purpose over for quite a while now. I knew that I wanted to share certain parts of my life that would hold me accountable for things: saving money, spending less, simplifying, focusing on bettering myself, tri training, and embracing each day as a gift. Thus, the change in the title. While being a mom is definitely the greatest gift I have ever been handed, it doesn't define me completely. Sure, there will be cute little stories and memories about our everyday life, but that won't be only topic I write about for my ever dwindling audience of 1.4 readers. :)

So, what's been happening lately? Well, I was given the option of staying at home with the babies (read "not tenured") and boy-howdy did I jump on it. Now, the reality of having one income is really starting to set in. I've found myself thinking out and planning every little detail when it comes to spending money: can I go to town less than 5 times this week? do we really need to have the air set to 70 when 74 is doable? yes, gymboree is having a sale, but do the babies need anything? sure, we'd all like to have new bathing suits, but can last year's suits work? how many ways can i cook one meat that's on sale to keep it fresh and save money on NOT eating out? ... so many different details that I have NEVER taken into consideration before. My "job" now is to make sure that things are flowing well at home and I am taking that role very seriously. There is a complete paradigm shift that I had no idea would come. People tell you, but like going from a couple to parents, it's definitely something you must experience in order to truly understand! So, the journey begins...

I had my gall bladder removed a little over two months ago, which put all exercising (other than walking) to a complete halt. Which led to me eating. A lot. Which, in turn, led to some weight gain. (Durh.) So, in working on myself, I am committing to exercising regularly (5 days a week, hopefully - more on that later this week) and focusing on food as fuel, instead of comfort. Again, a complete paradigm shift. Food has been my solace for 20 years... it all started when my mother was diagnosed with cancer and our church stepped in to help... food was more than abundant and I was more than happy to eat it, leading to an ever-growing waist line and mentality that eating = peace. Who knew it'd take me 20 years to learn that lesson?!?!?!!

Putting others first. Let me just say it: I am a self-centered person. So, putting even my children, and at times, especially my husband, before myself isn't something that I do naturally or well. This, along w/ going through my guideline from the Great Healer, is truly my main goal: To study, grow, love, laugh and learn that self fulfillment comes in loving my God and my family, in that order, and all else will fall into it's place. Remind me of that, will ya reader?

That, my friends, is it. The newly defined focus of this blog that started so many years ago. Feel free to comment on things, encourage, make fun of and laugh (or cry) along with me. I look forward to our new beginning.

Til next time,


Jenni said...

I love it Mae.....can't wait to hear how this journey goes for you!!

Unknown said...

yay! you are blogging again! i think your goals sound awesome, and i think blogging about them will be helpful to both you and your readers. i'm looking forward to reading! i set up a new blog for future use while we were still in china....i think i'll soon start posting.

Viswamitra said...

It was refreshing for me. I hope to see more of you in futue. Keep writting.