Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tuned In & Turned On

You've not read about any of my workouts for the past few weeks b/c they have been few and far between... I am sure, like many of you, life just happened and I let my goals slip to the back burner. I didn't complete the B-fit-b-day challenge or our Lose to Win competition. My weight has increased, my diet has gone to pot, and I can't tell you the last day I actually consumed more water than any other beverage. BUT. NO. MORE...

I've found a different training program (not really so incredibly different from the Hal Higdon program I was following, this one just has more details) at Runner's World and here is what my week will look like.

Mon: Rest/ XT (Kettle bell workout and bike)
Tues: Easy RunDist: 2mi@17:59
Wed: Rest/ XT (Yoga or Pilates)
Thurs: Rest / XT (Merry Christmas!)
Fri: Tempo RunDist: 5mi, inc Warm; 3mi@16:10; Cool
Sat: Rest/ XT (We'll be on the road to Perdido Bay, AL for a family beach trip!)
Long RunDist: 6mi@17:59
Total: 13 miles

I'm really excited about getting back into a workout routine... and running in the same atmosphere and on the same road as my upcoming half marathon.

The week of Thanksgiving I re-injured my shoulder and have had MAJOR pain since then... so much so that my good doc sent me for an MRI (a great story in and of itself! Hello little blue pill friend. {:) and the results came back that I'm good to go and if I have any more serious pain he'll give me a perscription for some PT. We'll see how I'm feeling when we get back from the beach.

Must rest... I have to be back home from my workout at 7:15 so I REALLY need to get in bed. Caio.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas @ Casa de Hale

Among the surprises that Jack regularly leaves around the house, this is without a doubt my favoite... who knew the spider truck could double as an ornament?!

The Rudolf bag houses a mixture of oats and glitter to scatter on our yard Christmas Eve to guide Santa and his reindeer to our home... according to Hadlee, Santa will tip toe in through the garage and deliver ONE gift for her and ONE gift for Jack!

Our stockings, bought last year the day after Christmas when Pottery Barn Kids put them on sale. Who could resist?

My sweet, mischeivous boy washing his hands (a favorite past time of his) after consuming a snowman cookie. Can you see the blue icing on his mouth and the water on the wall? :)

Hadlee making "pupcakes" last Sunday when we were all too sick to go to cousin Alexis' surprise b-day party. My little decorator!

Mery Christmas bloggies. May you find the grace, peace and love of our Savior.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Carpe diem...

It's my thrid day of being 30, and I'm handling things pretty well. Actually, in the whole scheme of things, this was, by far, one of the best birthdays I can remember. Cards, messages, love, hugs, songs, good food, homemade bundt cake w/ icing made by my sweet daughter, dinner from Outback w/ the fam, an AWESOME surprise classroom decoration done by one of my students, his parents, and sister... the list goes on and on. Thus far, life has been tremendous!

There is a challenge on some of the blogs I read called bfitbday. I have accepted the challenge and my plans for the week include:

3,000 yds of swimming
30 miles of biking
10 miles of running (I'll end up w/ a few more than that.)

I've knocked out 6.5 miles of the bike and nothing else. I have until next Monday to finish up and I'm confident I'll get it all in except the swimming. I just can't find the motivation to get in the pool. BUT, you only get to claim the prize if you do the time, right? So, I'll suck it up and jump in w/ both feet (and a little whining on the side!). :)

This Saturday is my first 6 miler at Tim's Ford... I'm excited about doing it and getting the race schwag too! IT's not a VERA, but still, it's a HUGE accomplishment for me! That's almost half way to the 13.1 mile mark!!! Yeah, baby!

My son has begun to turn towards the dark side... this week he's 1. bitten his Gabba and litterally taken a chunk of her arm 2. gotten in trouble at school for pitching a fit over a toy 3. been put in TIME OUT at school for FIGHTING OVER A CHAIR! Good Lord, have mercy! I can hear it now... "You know how those teacher's kids are!" He's just 19 months old, we've got a l-o-n-g way to go. Bless his little mischevious heart.

This just in... BOTH of my children are SLEEPING IN THEIR OWN BEDS!!! Thank you sweet little naked baby Jesus! Miracle of miracles! We've been rearranging furniture and ended up converting Jack's crib to a toddler bed. When Hadlee saw "what the cool kids were doing" (she's SUCH a sucker for that now, I'm willing to milk it for all it's worth!) she decided she wanted her "little cherry bed" (toddler bed that was beside our bed and acted as cute decor b/c she only slept in it while playing house) beside Jack's. Low and behold, they have fallen asleep w/ very few tears, lots of books (I Love You, Stinky Face being the Hale family fave) and a few swats on the behind. BUT it's all good, my peeps. I've gotten to wake up next to my husband for TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW! YEE HAW!

K, it's time for me to head to bed... I have an observation tomorrow and need to be all perky and happy. Rah.

G'night all.