Friday, June 25, 2004

"Hollars" and Tires

Last night I was on my way to school. It was coming a Noah, I couldn't see more than 15 or so feet in front of me and low and behold, I hit a random piece of wood in the middle of the road. After hoping that nothing had happened to my little Accord, I turned down the Dixie Chicks, slowed down and knew that indeed something had happened!!! I had my first ever blow out. Well, the area that I happened to have been stopped in wasn't exactly what I would call inviting... It looked more like a sceen out of a horror film in the back woods of Tennessee (think Deliverance) than a place that would house welcoming strangers. I got out of the car to check for damages and saw that it was only the front tire, not any missing engine parts or something equally as bad.
Being a girl who doesn't pay much attention to important things like knowing that your car comes with a spare tire and the things to switch it out and put on the little doughnut, I figured the best thing to do was walk (in the rain) to the nearest, least frightening house, find a person (or man) capable of changing a tire, give them a few bucks and be on my merry little way. What I found was a very nice lady who didn't have a phone (of course my cell laughed at me when I tried to call my husband, actually laughed!), but was willing to take me somewhere to call. At this point I am over an hour away from home and have only about 40 minutes until class starts.
We decided to check out the car and see if the two of us could put on the spare. (I was really just there for moral support and to hold the cute little yellow gingham umbrella.) The nice lady (I never got her name, how grateful do I sound?) told me to pop my trunk, got out the spare, a little pumper-up thingy for the car (which I now know is called a Jack, why not a Jill?) and was ready to work her fingers to the bone (in the rain). Here is where it gets really interesting...
Personally, I've never been a big fan of TDOT and their never-ending projects to patch pot holes and make your travelling life a bit more on the stressful side. BUT last night, they were HEAVEN SENT!!! As the lady was starting to so stufff, they stopped in the little hollar (or valley to non Tennesseans) and offered to change the tire for me. She was more than happy to let them, I said "Thank you so much for your help." She got in her car and went back to watching Jerry Springer (at least that's what I had heard while standing at her door.)
The two TDOT guys (Bear, a very large man who reminded me of a teddy bear with a very thunderous voice and a slight speech impediment, and Joe, the young guy who took instructions from Bear). Had me up and ready to run in just a few minutes. It was rather humerous to watch (while still holding the yellow gingham umbrella) b/c Joe had a hard time understanding what Bear was saying and he would look up at me as if I could interpret. My only help was shrugging my shoulders. A good thing to remember is "lefty loosey, righty tighty." I am so thankful to all of the people that were willing to help me out. Just goes to show that you really can't judge a book by its cover.
Tidings of Joy.
P.S. I made it class on time and home safely. As I type, my husband is at the BF Goodwrench place having new 100,000 mile tires with side wall impact, airbags, and anti theft devices, or something lke that put on the car. Just in case...

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Just wondering...

Does anyone actually read what I have to say? Just wanted to know so that I could throw in little things to make you laugh, cry smile or curse. Take your pick.
My first grad school final is tomorrow. I'll say goodbye to Marriage and Family and hello to Group Counseling, while entertaining Clinical Intervention on the side. Pray for me, and my husband ~ he's the one living with the juggling entertainer!
I put a pop-up blocker on my 'puter and now it won't let me do the blog spell check. Sorry for any mistakes! Feel free to correct them if you are a controlling perfectionist,otherwise, let me know how to reverse the situation...
Tidings of Joy :)

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Creative Differences

So, you all know that I'm in grad school. I've made the commitment and my wonderful husband has been gracious enough to let me only focus on school and not worry about working too. (Thank you Hale~b!) Last night in class my fellow classmates were moaning and groaning about the length and turn in date of a paper that had been assigned a month ago. Me, being the non-procrastinating person that I currently am, have almost finished the mere 7 pages that were originally assigned. Our dear professor gave in to the pressure, lowered it to 3 pages and pushed back the deadline. For my classmates, I have a statement. "Quit your wining and get to work! It's not like you didn't know what you were getting into when you signed up for the class. We are in GRAD SCHOOL for the love of Jehosephat!!! Grow up, suck it up, and get to work!!!!" Ok, I feel better. Creative differences set aside. Now, I must grow up, suck it up, and get to work on cutting down my paper.
Tidings of Joy :)